Acrylic on wood
8’4” x 6’

A Collaborative Painting by Sofia Enriquez & Anne Faith Nicholls
(Signed by both artists, bottom center)

Also is a collaborative painting about relationships and unity. The impressively large grommeted canvas tarpaulin features layers of signature motifs by two California artists Sofia Enriques & Anne Faith Nicholls, who endeavored to come together to create a piece in the name of female camaraderie. The painting’s narrative is revealed through symbols placed throughout it’s composition, representing collaboration, inclusivity, and universal connection. This rare, large scale collaboration represents the best of both artists and presents a one-of-a-kind combination of their unique styles.

Sofia Enriques is a Palm Springs, California artist-on-the-rise, with recent murals completed for Coachella Music Festival, The Palm Springs Art Museum, Swatch and Vans. Recognized for her “MUCHO” motifs and unique painted fashion, Sofia is deeply dedicated to exploring art and identity through culture, collaboration and community.
